Pyris Setup Guide


  • A server/VM or local machine

  • Docker installed on the machine

Installation Steps

Create a Directory for Pyris Deployment

Create a directory where you will deploy Pyris. For example, you can create a directory at /opt/pyris on the machine. For local development, you can create a directory at ~/pyris.

Clone the Pyris Repository

To get started with Pyris, you need to clone the Pyris repository ( into a directory on your machine. For example, you can clone the repository into a folder called Pyris in the directory you created in the previous step. E.g.: git clone Pyris

Create an Application Configuration File

Create an application.yml file using the provided application.example.yml in the Pyris repository as a base. E.g.: cp Pyris/application.example.yml application.yml

Now you need to configure the application.yml file. Here is an example configuration:

      - comment: Artemis
        llm_access: [AZURE_GPT35_TURBO_16K_0613, OPENAI_GPT35_TURBO_16K_0613]
        token: super-secret
            host: cache
            port: 5701
            description: GPT-3.5 on Azure model from 2023-06-13 with 16k context length
            name: GPT-3.5 (16k, Azure)
                api_type: azure
                api_base: 'https://<your-url>'
                api_version: 2023-03-15-preview
                deployment_id: gpt-35-16k
                model: gpt-3.5-turbo
                token: <token>
            description: GPT-3.5 on OpenAI from 2023-06-13 with 16k context length
            name: GPT-3.5 Turbo (16k, OpenAI)
                chat_mode: 'True'
                model: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613
                token: <token>

Create Environment Variables File

Create a .env file containing the following variables:

  • PYRIS_DOCKER_TAG: The Docker tag to use. Ideally use latest here.

  • PYRIS_APPLICATION_YML_FILE: The absolute path to the application.yml file that you created. E.g.: /opt/pyris/application.yml

  • NGINX_PROXY_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH: The absolute path to the SSL certificate to use. Defaults to self-signed certificates. For production, you should use a valid SSL certificate. For local development, you an ignore this variable.

  • NGINX_PROXY_SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_PATH: The absolute path to the SSL certificate key to use. Defaults to self-signed certificates. For production, you should use a valid SSL certificate. For local development, you an ignore this variable.

Start Pyris

You can now start Pyris using the following command:

docker compose --project-directory "$PROJECT_DIR" -f "$COMPOSE_FILE" --env-file "$ENV_FILE" up -d --pull always --no-build
  • $PROJECT_DIR should point to the Pyris directory you created.

  • $COMPOSE_FILE should point to the docker/pyris-production.yml file in the Pyris repository.

  • $ENV_FILE should point to the .env file you just created.


docker compose --project-directory "/opt/pyris" -f "/opt/pyris/Pyris/docker/pyris-production.yml" --env-file "/opt/pyris/.env" up -d --pull always --no-build

This will start the Pyris application on your server/VM.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed and configured Pyris.