Useful Database Commands

Changing the Version Control System URL

This might be useful when the version control system changed its base-url but all repositories are still present there.

update participation
set repository_url = replace(repository_url, '', '')
where repository_url is not null;

Migrating MySQL Data to PostgreSQL


Do not use pgloader to convert the database from MySQL to PostgreSQL. This results in a database schema that is not compatible with future migrations.

PgLoader converts constraint names into all-lowercase. The Liquibase migrations assume that they have got their original name which contains the prefix FK.


Start Artemis at least once in version 5.12.9 or greater to make sure the current database schema is PostgreSQL-compatible. Only Artemis 6.0.0 or newer can connect to a PostgreSQL database.

In your Artemis config the following values might need to be added/updated to connect to PostgreSQL instead of MySQL:

        url: "jdbc:postgresql://<IP/HOSTNAME of PostgreSQL database host>/Artemis?ssl=false"
        username: <YOUR_DB_USER>
        password: <YOUR_DB_PASSWORD>
        database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL10Dialect
        database: POSTGRESQL